Venue stylesheet
- Introduction
- Game information
- Cast and crew
- Style of play
- Character approvals
- Banality, Glamour and Bunks — Oh my!
- Costuming and props
You can download this complete document, including character generation, as an RTF (92k).
Canberra as a city of half a million souls and a million dreams: a place
where dreams and banality strive for dominance in the sunlight of wishing
for a better times, a time where the privileged squander precious resources
while the rest fight over scraps; and a place where hunger and thirst are
never far from mind. Now imagine the sound of night terrors and the silence
of anticipation, and what strange bedfellows they make. Imagine the supernatural
denizens of such a place — vampires, werewolves, mages, ghosts and
faeries — listening and watching for the unknown that stirs in the
night — the thirsty night — to stalk illusions with the truth.
Then picture yourself among them — in Canberra — in Faemused.
Canberra is known to changelings in the World of Darkness as a troubled city, rife with Autumn People and more unsavoury activity in this place that is in the latter days of Autumn, with the threat of an Endless Winter about to reach its cold banality. Or is it a Winter that is simply a prelude to a even more glorius Spring? Its history is clouded in banality and order. Some say that the city had been home to several previous courts, all decimated by misdeed or misfortune. The city has attracted mystics and opportunists of all persuasions.
Canberra is also Australia's largest inland city. It was built on the banks of the Molonglo River, now dammed to form Lake Burley Griffin, named after the city's architect, Walter Burley Griffin. Canberra is surrounded by its own territory — the Australian Capital Territory — that is in turn, surrounded by the State of New South Wales. The capital is independently governed and covers 4,067 square kilometres. Canberra is linked to state capital cities and major regional areas by regular air, rail and bus services.
Game Information
Name: currently Faemused
Chapter: Monkey’s Paw
Domain: Carpe Civitatem (Canberra)
Venue: Sanctioned Changeling
Time and Location
When: Fourth Sunday of every month.
What time: 1 pm arrival for 2—6 pm game.
Where: Australian National University, Copeland G030
How do I get there? Turn right into Kingsley Avenue from
Barry Drive and use the car park at the end of that road.
Cast and crew
Storyteller: Marissa Harris
Narrators: Mark Bruckard, Xole, Mike Walker (Occasional Special Guest Narrator)
Assistants: David James (website snailmaster), Andrew Smith (website and art), Pixie (photography, art, makeup and costuming, props), Michael Cornell (downtimes and other paperwork, news articles), Mark Bruckard (props).
Style of play
Talk to other storytellers, but generally Arthurian setting, courtly love in the context of World of Darkness Canberra, a city controlled by vampires and Autumn people, where Dauntain have had free reign.
Style Element Ratings on a Scale of 1 (Less) to 5 (More):
Intrigue: 4
Action: 3
Mystery: 3
Drama: 4
Darkness: 4
Character approvals
Approval Level Required* | Timing |
CST (Low) | Preferably at least 1 week before the game, but it can also be done at the game if a full character sheet is supplied. |
DST (Medium) | Allow 2 weeks to a month for approval. |
NST (High/Top) | Allow up to 2 months for approval. |
Approval requirements
Approval Level | Item | Timing |
Low | A complete character sheet indicating your MC | Prior to approval |
A half page (at least) background + filled in character questions* + additional information on backgrounds** | Within a month of approval | |
Medium, High, Top | A complete character sheet indicating your MC | Prior to approval |
A half page (at least) background + filled in character questions* + additional information on backgrounds** | Prior to approval | |
A completed Character Creation Certificate Prior to approval | Prior to approval |
Visiting Characters
Sanctioned Changeling characters from other cities are welcome. Please provide the Storyteller with the following information at least 48 hours prior to game time:
- Approved character sheet — if there are Medium, High or Top approval elements indicate who approved this and when.
- Membership details — membership number and current MC class
- Brief background
- Brief note of intent — describe your character’s reasons for coming to Canberra and his/her intentions while in Canberra.
Sanctioned characters from other venues are welcome, but may be refused at the Storyteller’s discretion. Please provide the Storyteller with the following information at least two weeks prior to game time:
- Approved character sheet — if there are Medium, High or Top approval elements indicate who approved this and when.
- Membership details — membership number and current MC class
- Brief background
- Brief note of intent — describe your character’s reasons for seeking out Changelings and his/her intentions in doing so.
Banality, Glamour and Bunks – Oh my!
Banality has been a way of life for the changelings in Canberra for quite some time and it doesn’t look like letting up anytime soon. This site includes a FUBAR-generated daily Banality weather report for Canberra.
Glamour still lurks around the edges of Canberra, and has even been known to pop up in the more populated areas on occasion. However, in general Glamour, Freeholds and dross are very scarce in Canberra and the fae in Canberra have been known to wander quite far afield for their personal glamour or tithes of Dross.
In game terms this means that at the start of each game each player needs to do a simple test. If:
successful — start with 4 points of Glamour + Dreamers
tied — start with 2 points of Glamour + Dreamers
fail — start with 1 point of Glamour + Dreamers
Holdings also produce only half of their normal value of Glamour per night until further notice.
Magic and Bunks
Even so, magic (Fae arts) is still a way of life for Canberra’s changelings. The Jester’s Bunk System is used in game – be creative!
Magic can be done without performing a bunk, but this costs one point of Glamour.
Costuming and Props
Costuming is strongly encouraged, and we even have help available if you’re not sure how to dress or where to get things like wings and horns. If you’d like help, please contact the props people at least a week before the game. There will also generally be make-up help available at each game.
Weapons and other items that may cause harm to other players are not allowed, even as costume accessories. If you are uncertain about an item, please contact the props people.