Link to Committee Walk 9/3/05 Link to Committee Meeting 30/3/05

The FAB education sub-c'tee met (16/2/05) (apologies - Jean Geue) a nd the following was agreed:

- Dierk will help as a guide for the proposed Campbell Primary School walk in the second week of term 2.

- Bill White's draft activity 'whos e track is that?' about the scribbly gum caterpillar Ogmograptis scribula and the information on termite mounds is excellent.

Dierk will work up some more activity-oriented steps such as how to monitor expansion of 'scribbled' are as with photographs or 'scrubbing', and for termite mounds,  an activity highlighting how Rosen berg's monitor (see for e.g. and echidnas (see eg. feed on the termites.

- Bill will work further on the fro nt pages for the education project on our website and discuss the overall website de sign with David Kelly. Suggestions on the evolution of the website may be put to the FAB C'tee at its March meeting.

- The closing date for the art comp will be extended to 30 May 2005, which we will advertise, and we will increase promotional activities. Dierk will do radio interviews. Hanna will advise schools via the Education Dept newsletter and P&C association. Dierk wi ll follow up with proposed judges and printers about quotes for printing bookm arks and postcards.

- Dierk and Bill will work up a mos ses, lichens and ferns activity with Bill providing the photos.

- Dierk will work up a tree shape a ctivity.

- Hanna will write up a birds identification activity to complement Anna's black and white birds identification activity using Jean's and COG's  lists and CD.

- Hanna will work up a tree hollow focussed activity sheet and integrate poems with eucalypt identification activity. < /span>

- Peter will bring draft frog and e ucalypt identification activities to the next meeting, working with Bill White to modify Peter's existing eucalypt brochure.

The next meeting will be on Wednesd ay 2 March 2005, 8pm, 45 Noala St, Aranda.



Link to Committee Walk 9/3/05


Other in formation:

Aranda Primary School has advised Mary that it has 3 classes of Yr 3 students that are keen to vi sit the Aranda bushland.

Andrew McPherson and Megan Lech at Geosciences Australia have agreed to work on a soil science/geological acti vity sheet.

Angela Calliess,  Park Care Coordinator, Environment ACT, has put a notice about the art comp in Scribbly Gum and has asked Damian Wa ll to put it on the ACT Landcare website. She provided the following contacts for community radio that Dierk will follow up: Tom Baker at Radio Landcare which airs on the following stations and we can use one or both:

Queanbeyan fm 96.7

8-9am Sundays

Tom advises this has a wide reaching audience across the Qbyan region

This Sunday and the next couple are available at the moment

2XX 98.3 fm

9-10am Tuesdays

This Tuesday (tomorrow) is taken bu t next Tuesday (8th) is available at the moment

Tom can be contacted directly on <> . He also mentioned that they having been giving the competition a bit of a plug on a ir already - which is nice to know! (from Angela)

Community announcements contacts (I havent needed to utilise these yet, but give it a go and we’ll see if it is worthwhile):

FM 104.7 and Mix 106.3 Community Sw itch 6241 4444 (same contact number for both channels)

Prime TV - Community info net <>