Committee Actions 9/3/05 Link to Commitytee Actions 30/3/05

Dear all

Peter Ormay, Dierk von Behrens, Bill White and I did the Frost Hollow to Forest Walk last week (9/3/05) and agreed to develop activities along the following lines, in addition to those we've already agreed to do: -

an activity/information sheet on grasslands and dominant or interesting species in the first stage of the walk (this could be combined with a quadrate or step point survey activity), including Lomandras and Hairy Panic Grass. Hanna will write up Sarah Sharp's recommended tent-peg step point methodology.

Would anyone like to write up the grassland info sheet? The draft ACT lowland grassland strategy and Env ACT education kit should have most of what you'd need. - one stop could be the 2 trees near the dam to talk about lichens -

Dierk will write up information about Bursaria (Shephard's curse) and the interrelationship between its nectar, wasps and Christmas beetles, and its attractiveness to wild pigs. There's a lone specimen near the dam which is in a good spot for groups to congregate. Close by is a good soil crust example. -

Hanna will write up Indigenous food sources along the walk - witchetty grubs, native raspberry, reeds, kangaroos, possums etc. and possibly other useful plants (e.g. Dianella for weaving) -

The best spot for the draft tree hollow survey is the 200 year old trees in the fenced lane at the top of block 1399 but there are a few other hollows along the walk -

Hanna will draft an activity based on exploring the names and characteristics of the eucalypts along the walk to complement the other Euc. identification activity. (I'll base this on the activity in Don Perrin's Dictionary of Botanical Names: Australian Plant Names Meaning Derivation and Application, supplemented/checked with other sources) -

Hanna will draft a mistletoe and cherry ballart activity sheet esp. to be used at the start of the forest segment (focusing on species, impact, role of possums, foxes, ants etc).

Does anyone have a photo of the mistletoe bird in the Aranda bushland? -

Someone could write up some info about the role of the eucalyptus oil industry to use at the road before the start of the forest segment. Any volunteers? -

Someone might want to volunteer to clean the signs along the walk before the heritage festival and school visits. Any offers? -

Hanna will draft some paragraphs for Env. ACT asking for railway sleeper or log seats at the mistletoe site, apple box site, and the Euc. macrorhyncha stop near the Hardenbergia patch -

Hanna will talk to Pam and Colin McDonald to see if they have info about the hand-felled timber industry on the Aranda hill that could be worked into an activity/info sheet.


Our next meeting will be 30 March, 8pm, same place (45 Noala Pl, Aranda). Best regards Hanna


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