Meeting 30 th March

Present: Diana Brown,  Hanna Jaireth, Peter Ormay, Dierk von Behrens, Jan Wawrzynczak, Bill White

Apologies: Jean Geue

Meeting opened 8pm.

Geology activities: Hanna will apply to Env ACT for a scientific licence to cover the soil analysis and rock assessment work in the education kit, including a monitoring and assessment component, and will ask if the ACT geology map can be re-done with cross hatching to show the different rock types each side of the fault line. She will buy three PH kits and sieves. Dierk will buy six hand lenses.

Website layout: Bill will make separate pages for activity and answer sheets and will email a draft frog activity sheet that can be used with iPods or Diskmen.

Indigenous use: Dierk will ask Geoff Butler to comment on the draft activity sheet before we discuss it with local Indigenous groups.

Eucalypt identification: Bill will work up an activity sheet focusing on barks, with links to relevant information.

Threats to the bushland: Dierk will draft an activity sheet to complement Dave's feral animals activity.

Editing: Diana will edit the draft kit when it is complete. The introductory text/format we've previously agreed is: purpose, approximate time needed, materials needed, rating for level of difficulty or age, number of participants, references, further information, header/border with FoAB logo and contact info; acknowledgement of authorship. We will put on each activity sheet a request that everything brought to the walk should be taken away and that only photos should be taken and nothing left there except footprints (written more snappily).

Poems and nature writing: Diana will write up extracts of poems and nature writing as the basis for a literary activity.

Additional photos for the web: Bill and Hanna will go through Jean's albums with Jean to select additional photos needed.

Capacity building for teachers: Dierk and/or Hanna will liaise with the Outdoor Education Association, Canberra Uni teacher ed faculty and ACT Education Dept to request a professional development activity be held in the Aranda Snow Gums and Bushland focusing on the education kit and the potential it offers for educational purposes.

Facilities: Over the longer term FoAB will seek funding for a no-water toilet for the area.

Feedback: Everyone will provide comments on the draft activity sheets already circulated. These include the introduction, Indigenous use, weeds, Euc identification, mistletoe, tree hollows, birds, geology, dead wood.

Drafts still to come: these need to be circulated as soon as possible so that we can plan the excursion for 2 May for the Campbell kids and finalise the kit. Topics include tracks and scats; mosses, lichens and soil crusts; kangaroos; tree shapes; glossary.

Meeting closed 10pm.

Next meeting: 20 April 2005.

Best regards


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