Chapter 7 - Constant Price Estimates

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Much financial data that comes to us, from internal or external sources, is in the form of time series - average weekly earnings, expenditure on roads, taxation revenue. Often, such as when we are preparing forward estimates, we want to get some idea of historical trends so we can project future years' expenditure, revenue or other financial flows.

Unfortunately financial data usually contains the 'noise' of inflation. Simply looking at a column of figures, it's very hard to judge, quickly, what has been the effect of inflation, or general increases in prices, and therefore it's very hard to judge what have been the underlying trends.

Imagine, for example, that we wanted to see how much Australians had been paying in wholesale sales tax (WST) and fuel excise over recent years before the introduction of the GST.

The first thing we would have to do is to bring that data to a per capita series. Population has been growing, so it is natural that taxes will have been growing. This data is shown in the table below.

Components of Federal Consumption Taxes
Year WST $m Fuel excise $m Popn '000 WST $ /head Fuel excise $ /head Total $ /head
80-81 2 102 925 14 923 141 62 203
81-82 2 854 970 15 184 188 64 252
82-83 3 490 1 364 15 394 227 89 315
83-84 4 165 2 137 15 579 267 137 405
84-85 4 966 2 387 15 788 315 151 466
85-86 5 728 3 087 16 018 358 193 550
86-87 6 348 5 217 16 264 390 321 711
87-88 7 547 5 426 16 532 457 328 785
88-89 9 402 5 828 16 814 559 347 906
89-90 10 132 6 416 17 065 594 376 970
90-91 9 365 6 642 17 284 542 384 926
91-92 9 113 7 093 17 494 521 405 926
92-93 9 252 7 200 17 677 523 407 931
93-94 10 414 8 499 17 854 583 476 1 059
94-95 11 624 9 406 18 072 643 520 1 164
95-96 12 955 10 224 18 311 707 558 1 266
96-97 13 308 10 543 18 532 718 569 1 287
97-98 14 085 10 895 18 751 751 581 1 332
98-99 15 080 9 521 18 973 795 502 1 297
99-00 15 450 9 635 19 917 776 484 1 259

As we'd expect, tax payments have gone up, and quite steeply, but so too has everything else over the period - wages, prices etc. If we look at the graph over the page, there is little we can tell; the noise of inflation is just too much. For someone to tell us the value of something in 1980-81 currency, and then to ask us to compare that with something in 2000-01 currency, is like asking us to compare two amounts, one in Roubles and the other in Yen. We need some way to bring these to a common measure. To continue with the currency metaphor, we need a set of "exchange rates" to bring these to a consistent series. Such "exchange rates" can be built up by use of price index numbers.

The graph doesn't really tell us much; is all we are seeing is the result of lower inflation in the nineties, or is something more happening? What we need is a constant price series so that all this data is to a common price base, but first, a word on index numbers.

Price Index Numbers

Price index numbers are developed by comparing the price of a basket of goods and services in a base year with the price of the same basket of goods and services in the current year. (That's just like looking at the prices, in local currencies, of a bundle of goods and services in Japan and a similar bundle in Russia, and using those prices to infer a Yen/Rouble exchange rate.) The price in the base year is normalized by bringing it to 100. The basket (also technically called a regimen) for a consumer price index is the set of goods and services consumed by an average household. Another way of looking at a series of price index numbers is to say that if the index number in the base year is 100, and in a later year is 100 + X, then the purchasing power of $100 + X in the later year is the same as the purchasing power of $100 in the base year.

This is the definition of the standard Laspeyres index numbers. There are others, but they are not in common use.


Where p0 and pt are the prices in the base period and the period t, and q0 are the quantities in the base period. Basically the term Sigma ptq0 is the amount our consumer would have to spend, in period t, to buy the same basket of goods and services as he or she bought in period 0.

Although the formulae show q0 as unchanging, the baskets do change through a process called splicing. (A case in Australia involved finding a substitute for seamed silk stockings which had appeared in the old basic cost of living index.) A new series is developed with a new basket, and the old series is spliced on to it by simple mathematical proportions.

This bit of mathematics may look daunting, but it is conceptually simple, as demonstrated by working through an example, looking at the prices of an identical bundle over two successive years..


Life is tough for students. In a fit of generosity the Commonwealth has decided to index Austudy student assistance to living costs. This cost of living index is not the Consumer Price Index; rather it is based on a special basket of goods and services used by students.

Through extensive and painful research statisticians have surveyed the average expenditure of undergraduates, and have established that there are only 17 items on which these poor wretches spend their money. They have found how much of each item the average student buys. By surveying the cafeteria, dorms, Salvation Army clothing depots etc, they have also been able to find what the prices of these 17 items were in January 2000 and in January 2001. The task is to construct an index number from their data.

Undergraduate Student's Cost of Living
Item Unit Weekly consumption Jan 00 Unit price Jan 00 Weekly expenditure Jan 00 Unit price Jan 01 Weekly exp Jan 01
Jeans pair 0.020 35.00   36.00  
T shirt   0.050 12.00   13.00  
Sneakers pair 0.030 40.00   42.00  
Underpants pair 0.040 5.00   4.00  
Brassiere   0.020 7.00   6.00  
Sock pair 0.020 3.00   3.00  
Sweater   0.020 40.00   42.00  
Meat pie   7.000 1.20   1.80  
Hot dog   7.000 1.40   1.50  
Beer 750 ml 7.000 1.80   2.50  
Wine 4l cask 1.000 8.00   8.00  
Car parts basket 0.006 180.00   190.00  
Car deprec 12 yr VW 0.002 3000.00   3100.00  
Gasoline liter 15.000 0.67   0.75  
Bus fare section 2.000 0.70   0.75  
Books basket 0.040 42.00   43.00  
Rent dorm wk 1.000 50.00   52.00  
Cost of living          
Index number          

The spreadsheet is at ch07ex01.xls If you get it right you will find the answer, for the index number in January 2001, base January 2000, is 112.0. But is this a fair calculation; what limitations are there in the methodology, which is the standard methodology in constructing index numbers? The main limitation is known as the substitution effect, which means that when prices are rising non-uniformly, price index numbers tend to overstate rises in the cost of living. After all, they measure what it would cost to buy the same basket of goods and services, but if some items have risen in price faster than others, would not the average consumer substitute some of the items which have risen in price more slowly? (For an example, look at beer and wine in the table above.)

Using Index Numbers

We can go back to our original problem, and can use the consumer price index to update it. The general rule for bringing a value expressed in current prices to a constant price series is:

The base year for the series can be the same as the base year of the index number, or any other base year.

For example, Australians spent $3 177 million in electrical goods stores in 1982-83. What is this in 1999-00 prices?

From the ABS Consumer Price Index, we see that the CPI in 1982-83, base 1989-90, was 60.8. In 1999-00, base 1989-90, it was 124.7.

Even before we do a formal calculation we can see the CPI has roughly doubled. Therefore our answer should be around $6.4 billion.

More precisely, the value, in 1990-00 prices, was 3 177 * 124.7 / 60.8 = $6 516 million. Note that although the ABS publishes an index number base 1989-90, we are using a base of 1999-00 for our constant price estimate. We can use any base year we wish; in general it's easiest to think of prices in the units most familiar to us - that is, the present year or the most recent one for which an index number is available.

It's a good idea to check our calculations against common sense. Bringing a series to constant prices should tend to flatten it out; if the changes become more marked we have probably made an error somewhere along the line.

We can come back to the series at the start of this chapter, and update it using the ABS CPI data. See the exercise ch07ex02.xls We have departed a little from standard textbook presentation, by adding the column "exchange rate".

Components of Federal Consumption Taxes


Current Prices


Constant (93-94) Prices

  WST/ head Fuel excise/ head Total/ head CPI base 89-90 =100 "Exchange rate" WST/ head Fuel/ head Total/ head
80-81 141 62 203 49.5 2.52 355 156 511
81-82 188 64 252 54.6 2.28 429 146 575
82-83 227 89 315 60.8 2.05 465 182 647
83-84 267 137 405 65.0 1.92 513 263 776
84-85 315 151 466 67.8 1.84 579 278 857
85-86 358 193 550 73.5 1.70 607 327 934
86-87 390 321 711 80.4 1.55 605 498 1103
87-88 457 328 785 86.3 1.44 660 474 1134
88-89 559 347 906 92.6 1.35 753 467 1220
89-90 594 376 970 100.0 1.25 740 469 1209
90-91 542 384 926 105.3 1.18 642 455 1097
91-92 521 405 926 107.3 1.16 605 471 1077
92-93 523 407 931 108.4 1.15 602 469 1071
93-94 583 476 1 059 110.4 1.13 659 538 1197
94-95 643 520 1 164 113.9 1.09 704 570 1274
95-96 707 558 1 266 118.7 1.05 743 587 1330
96-97 718 569 1 287 120.3 1.04 744 590 1334
97-98 751 581 1 332 121.0 1.03 774 599 1373
98-99 795 502 1 297 121.8 1.02 814 514 1328
99-00 776 484 1 259 124.7 1.00 776 484 1259

To see how this works, we can look at a typical cell - the figure for WST/head in 1980-81 expressed in 1999-00 prices. It is 141 * 124.7 / 49.5 = 355. The figure for fuel excise/head in 1988-89 expressed in 1999-00 prices is 347 * 124.7/92.6 = 467. Note that in a spreadsheet you would freeze the reference to the CPI of 124.7 in 1999-00, or perhaps name it.

Note that in the final year, 2000-01, the current year value and the constant price series converge. That is another check on your calculations.

You may find the term current prices a little confusing; the word 'current' doesn't mean 'today'; rather it means prices which were current when the observation was made.

The result of this manipulation is shown in the graph alongside. Note that the noise has gone out of it, and it is much less steep, but still rising up to 1989-90. The decline and subsequent recovery becomes evident once we have normalized the series for population growth and for inflation; compare this with the original series at the start of this chapter which suggested steady growth in taxation revenue. As a general rule taxes of all sorts decline during a recession.

This presentation shows some of the reason for the introduction of the GST. Wholesale sales tax collection had levelled off. Many of the goods subject to high rates of tax have become cheaper, as a result of technological developments and lowering tariffs, and, in general, consumption of goods is rising less quickly than consumption of services. Note too that fuel excise collections have been more steady since the mid eighties, when excise rates were indexed to the CPI (subsequently abandoned in a political panic in early 1991). What the graph reflects, therefore, is mainly changes in physical consumption.


Below are the prices for a long distance daytime call from Sydney to Perth. What has happened in real (inflation adjusted) terms?

Price of Three Minute Telephone Call - Sydney/Perth - Day Rate
  Current Prices CPI Base 1989-90 = 100 Constant Prices
1960 £0/15/0 14.1  
1965 £0/15/0 15.3  
1970 $1.80 18.0  
1975 $2.16 30.4  
1980 $2.70 49.5  
1985 $1.92 73.5  
1990 $1.72 105.3  
1995 $1.62 111.9  
2000 $0.71 124.7  

The spreadsheet is at ch07ex03.xls. In this case the constant price series has more variation than the current price series, which is an exception to the general rule.



Below are some prices of consumer goods in 1960. (All prices are taken from pre-Christmas advertisements in the Sydney Morning Herald). Express these prices in 1999-00 prices. (The CPI figures are 14.1 for 1960, as in the previous exercise, and 124.7 for 1999-00.) Another perspective is that in 1960 the minimum adult male weekly wage was £18 (females £12), and the average male wage was £23. By 2001 the average male ordinary time wage was around $840.

(For those who have not had to labor under the British price system, a Pound subdivided into 20 shillings, which subdivided into 12 pence, which divided into halfpennies and farthings (a quarter penny). A Guinea was 21 shillings; it was designed by lawyers to give themselves a 5 percent tip on every transaction. In 1966 £1/0/0 became $2.00.)

Mercedes 220 SE £3 100
Holden station wagon £1 290
Vauxhall Velox £1 463
Ford Anglia £974
Balmain 2 bed brick cottage £2 850
Granville 3 bed, 5 mins from station £3 900
Elizabeth Bay, 2 bed unit, harbor and park views, private jetty £8 600
Mosman, 3 bed plus study, harbor views £14 975
Men's woollen sport coat (Hordens) £12/19/6
Brassiere, cotton, basic (Hordens) 27/6
Men's nylon socks (Hordens) 3/11
Manual calculator £45/0/0
Astor auto washer 199 Gns
Victa 'Four Star' mower 62 Gns
Waltham gent's watch (no date) £18/15/0
Hoover steam and dry iron £10/10/0
HMV transistor portable radio 29 Gns
AEI Ekco 23" TV 209 Gns
Kodak 'Retinette' camera £22/10/0
Kodak basic 127 B&W camera £1/15/9
Astor medium sized refrigerator 179 Gns
Set of six wine glasses £1/3/6
'Queen Anne' Mahogany china cabinet £83/14/0
Tripod polished wooden wine table 99/6

(There is no solution sheet with this exercise.)



This concludes the mathematics of price index numbers. In a country with a tradition of central wage fixing, and measures such as indexation of pensions, measurement of the CPI is a very important issue. In setting a CPI should one-off discounted prices be used? Should changes in quality be taken into account? How are new index numbers spliced? How is the 'average' household measured to get a basket in the first place? How should rent, insurance etc be treated?

Sometimes special groups argue for special index numbers. The ageing, for example, may argue that since health care prices are rising much faster than prices generally, they should have a special basket for pension indexation, as health care is so important in their consumption.

This chapter has been concerned with the consumer price index. There are many other indexes - import price index, GDP deflator (a deflator is similar to an index number, but usually is normalized to 1 rather than 100, and is expressed as a reciprocal(1)), price index of materials used in building etc. They all involve the same basic construction, are used in similar ways, and have the same limitations.


General References

P H Karmel "Price Index Numbers" Chapter 12 in Applied Statistics for Economists (Pitman 1965)

R Lipsey, P Steiner, D Purvis "Index Numbers" Chapter 3 in Economics (Harper and Row 1984)

Australian Bureau of Statistics Consumer Price Index Cat 6401.0 - various editions.

Australian Bureau of Statistics - Surviving Statistics (ABS 1992)

Budget Statements - Budget Paper #1 - various editions

Specific References

1. For example, if the CPI were expressed as a deflator base 1989-90 = 1.000, then the deflator for 1991-92 would be 100.0/107.3, or 0.932.