Progress Report 5th Dec 04 Progress Report 4/4/05

Outputs (ie. product or service)

Activities to be undertaken
( ie. workplan)

Completion Date

Costs / Budget

Progress to date

1. Production of web-based activity sheets for s tart of excursion on-site using stopping places in Frost Hollow to Forest Walk

e.g. ‘Who am I’ artwork for animal/plant guessing game

e.g. reflections on journey/bushland meditati on

e.g. sound maps

e.g. mental photos

e.g. confidence walk (blindfolded partner)

and others

Commission artwork and upload on to website with clue-sheets and explanation of activities.

Dec 04

Grant $1500 for artist

Grant $250

50 hours ($750)

- Web-site design is underway and will include a rating scale for the level of skill or knowledge required for each activity.

- We may have themed kits (possibly discovery, insects, habitats and food webs).

- All schools in ACT, CEO ACT Corrective Services, sister NGOs have been se nt letters, walk brochures etc  inviting  participation in the Frost Hollo w to Forest art competition. Brochures have been placed in ACT libraries, ANBG visitor centre, Belconne n & Civic art supply shops and with Art Society. School holiday programs being sent info.

- Liaison with media continues. Chronicle took pics, wrote article which held over. Helen Musa, CTimes expressed interest. FMO neWay will run interview.

- Judging panel is being convened.

-Joint FoAB/ACT Herpetological Assoc'n reptile survey was hel d 14 November with aim of identifying species for activities and artwork.

- Draft ‘What am I’ internet-based flora activity has been developed

- Ed Slater has agreed we can put some local frog calls on the web and including his tape in the kit box.

- Glossary for website is being developed.


2. Production of web-based activity sheets for use during visit/excursion to Bushland and Aranda Snow Gums incl.< /p>

Write and upload activity sheets

Nov 04 -July 05

55 hours ($830)

Grant $250

Template is being developed, including purpos e, materials needed, number of participants etc., border message e.g. a request that everything brought to the walk should be taken away a nd that only photos should be taken and nothing left there except footprints.Due 12 January 05

e.g. activity sheet for interpretation of geo logy of area including rocks and soil types, impact of erosion

Write and upload activity sheets and photos

March 05

10 hours ($150)

Activity is being scoped. Reference material is being collected.

e.g. activity sheet for use in appreciating t rees including reflections (poems, meditation)

Write and upload activity sheets and photos.< o:p>

March 05

15 hours ($230)

Poems have been collected. Copyright issues w ill be investigated.

e.g. activity sheet for use in animal tracking (scats and spores)

Write and upload activity sheets and photos.< o:p>

March 05

15hours ($230)


e.g. activity sheet, sound recording for use in identifying common birds (record calls, photos)

Write and upload activity sheets and record a nd identify common bird calls.

March 05

40 hours ($600)

COG has agreed that we can post link on our w ebsite. CDs will be purchased for including in kit-box. ANBG bird list will be assessed and birds common in Aranda bushland will be identified.

Draft activity sheet for black and white birds (magpies, currawongs etc has been developed).

e.g. activity sheet for use in identifying nativ e; parasitic (e.g. mistletoe, Cherry ballart) and exotic plants; demonstrati on of weed eradication techniques on regular weeding bees and on request, minimisation of presence of weeds.

Write and upload activity sheets and photos. Our Patch would provide the source of photos for plants as we have joint copyright with the Aust. National Botanic Gardens for Our Patch.

July 05

150 hours ($2,250)


May include herbarium making/how to make pres ses using weeds for demonstration.

e.g. activity sheet for use in hide-and-seek Plaster of Paris artworks/sculptures; non-disturbing tree hollow-focussed activities

Commission artworks/wildlife replicas, make available on request, write and upload activity sheets< /p>

July 05

Grant $2,000
for artist

15 hours ($230)

Examples of a couple of artists’ work h ave been considered. Activity is being further scoped.

3. Preliminary user-testing of educational materials and follow-up evaluation interviews with users of materials where consent given.

Conduct interviews and report br iefly on pro forma sheet.

Data analysis will be presented in a manner consistent with the Privacy Act.

Oct 04 - August 05

30 hours+



4. Provide Waterwatch activities: incl. interpretation of hydrology of area, water quality analysis, as provided by Ginninderra Catchment Waterwatch Coordinator. The website would include an explanation of this and link to relevant contact persons.

Waterwatch experts will provide activity s heets and equipment for Waterwatch activities in the Aranda Bushland and at the Aranda Snow Gums. E.g. containers, strainers, tweezers, identification key for freshwater invertebrates, observation ca rds, rope or cord, Ph sticks, thermometers, nets, magnifying glasses); assist with activities on request in voluntary capacity. Links will be placed on the website to Waterwatch and other relevant site s.



($200 for staff costs @ $24 per hour and $300 for in-kind/ loaned equipment costs)

Invitation to participate has been sent to al l ACT scjpp;s


5. Production of bookmarks, flyers and other promotional texts using commissioned artwork or photos from site.

Design, print and distribute bookmarks on rec ycled heavyweight paper to promote area and activities.

Feb 05

Grant $960 to print flyers/ bookmarks

13 hours ($200)

To follow completion of competition.


6. Achievement of other publicity for website & activities, prin t flyer, keep website and links current.

Write press releases/articles and seek media coverage; maintain website.

June 05

60 hours ($900)




7. Web-based forms for recording use of educational materials and fe edback form.

Draft, format and upload forms.

July 05

4 hours ($60)

Grant $250