War Two Service
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Date of Enlistment
Place of Enlistment
Next of Kin
Date of Death
Postingon Death
Australian Army
11 January 1904
20 May 1941
16 Jul 1942
2/23 Australian Infantry Battalion
Contact details for service records are available at Defence
Service Records.
On occasions the full service history of an individual will not be displayed.
Information obtained from Australain
War Memorial
Commonwealth of Australia 2002
Debt of Honour Register
In Memory of
A.I.F. 2/3 Bn., Australian Infantry
who died on
Thursday 16 July 1942 . Age 38 .
Additional Information: Son of John George and Maria Pearce, of Coleraine,
Victoria, Australia.
Grave or Reference Panel Number: AI. H. 13.
Alamein is a village, bypassed by the main coast road, approximately 130
kilometres west of Alexandria on the road to Mersa Matruh. The first Commission
road direction sign is located just beyond the Alamein police checkpoint
and all visitors should turn off from the main road onto the parallel
old coast road. The cemetery lies off the road, slightly beyond a ridge,
and is indicated by road direction signs approximately 25 metres before
the low metal gates and stone wing walls which are situated centrally
at the road edge at the head of the access path into the cemetery. The
Cross of Sacrifice feature may be seen from the road.
Visiting Information:
The cemetery is kept open during daylight hours and is staffed by our
gardeners Saturday to Thursday 07.30 - 14.30.
Historical Information:
The campaign in the Western Desert was fought between the Commonwealth
forces (with, later, the addition of two brigades of Free French and one
each of Polish and Greek troops) all based in Egypt, and the Axis forces
(German and Italian) based in Libya. The battlefield, across which the
fighting surged back and forth between 1940 and 1942, was the 1,000 kilometres
of desert between Alexandria in Egypt and Benghazi in Libya. It was a
campaign of manoeuvre and movement, the objectives being the control of
the Mediterranean, the link with the east through the Suez Canal, the
Middle East oil supplies and the supply route to Russia through Persia.
EL ALAMEIN WAR CEMETERY contains the graves of men who died at all stages
of the Western Desert campaigns, brought in from a wide area, but especially
those who died in the Battle of El Alamein at the end of October 1942
and in the period immediately before that. The cemetery now contains 7,239
Commonwealth burials of the Second World War, of which 814 are unidentified.
There are also 102 war graves of other nationalities. The ALAMEIN CREMATION
MEMORIAL, which stands in the south-eastern part of El Alamein War Cemetery,
commemorates more than 600 men whose remains were cremated in Egypt and
Libya during the war, in accordance with their faith. The entrance to
the cemetery is formed by the ALAMEIN MEMORIAL. The Land Forces panels
commemorate more than 8,500 soldiers of the Commonwealth who died in the
campaigns in Egypt and Libya, and in the operations of the Eighth Army
in Tunisia up to 19 February 1943, who have no known grave. It also commemorates
those who served and died in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Persia. The Air
Forces panels commemorate more than 3,000 airmen of the Commonwealth who
died in the campaigns in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Greece, Crete
and the Aegean, Ethiopia, Eritrea and the Somalilands, the Sudan, East
Africa, Aden and Madagascar, who have no known grave. Those who served
with the Rhodesian and South African Air Training Scheme and have no known
grave are also commemorated here.
Display Record of Commemoration
In Memory of
VX56213, A.I.F. 2/3 Bn., Australian Infantry
who died age 38
on Thursday 16 July 1942.
Private PEARCE, Son of John George and Maria Pearce, of Coleraine, Victoria,
Remembered with honour

Commemorated in perpetuity by
the Commonwealth War Graves Commission
©2000-2002 The Commonwealth War Graves Commission. All Rights Reserved.