Termite's Dinner

The two species of termites feed on dead trees, stumps and logs lying on the ground. Individuals travel between the mound and the food source by way of galleries or runways which are tunnels through the soil or, when at the surface of the soil or wood, they are covered over with a roofing constructed of a similas material to the mound itself. This affords protection to the termites travelling

Chambers within the mound

Mound Abandoned

As termites require a warm and humid atmosphere, the mound's outer casing functions as a protection and an insulator, with the relative humidity being maintained above 95% within the galleries.



Mound Abandonded, an Ant eater's feast

The Echidna (Tachyglossus aculeata) is a predator of termites, and occurs on Aranda Bushland


The Successions starts with new species entering

The moss invading the mound

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