CRCI ANNUAL REPORT: or What We've Been Up to in 2008
President’s report Five shows ere held including one judged by the popular Vija Hone which attracted over 150 entires, the biggest number we have had in over a decade. This year we started awarding the Lop Diploma and the show schedule was revised accordingly. We will retain the current venue, Gaby’s Dance Studio (formerly known as the Canberra Pensioner’s Club) until the end of 2009. However, this venue is becoming rather problematic as the tables have decreased considerably over the past 18 months and, because of a complaint about a mess after a rabbit show (difficult to sustain I submit since Lex always vacuums up after each show), shows in the later part of the year have been confined to the non-carpeted area which effectively halves the available space. Two of our shows were held in conjunction with the Southern Regional Branch of the NSW Cavy Club. These were in May and November.
Four displays were held: Queanbeyan Show in Nov. 2007; Bungendore in Jan. 2008; Royal Canberra in February and Sutton Fair in April. The Pet Expo was cancelled this year though we had decided last year we would not do it any more once they started charging a somewhat princely sum for the privilege of sitting all day in a big shed while various punters came by just to pat the bunnies and not even ask questions about rabbit care, let alone join the club. Murrumbateman Field Days animal nursery side is under new management and they seem to prefer coffee shops to rabbits (their loss). So that’s another display off the calendar.
Six newsletters were produced, usually two weeks before each show plus an end of year one. 49 out of 72 members have elected to receive it by email. In addition to paying members, copies go via email to the Rabbit Fanciers Society of NSW, South Australian Rabbit Fanciers Society and the West Australian Rabbit Council in exchange for their newsletters which are also received via email except for the Rabbit Fanciers Society of NSW who send theirs by post. Print copies are sent on Legal Deposit to the National Library and also to the ACT Heritage Library, Peter’s Pure Animal Foods and the Pet Directory.
Finally and most importantly, we farewelled Sue Sowden as Show Secretary (and Vice-President) as she and her family will be moving to Queensland. Sue has served as Show Secretary for well over 15 years, from a time even before this club became a separate and incorporated entity as it was still a sub-committee of the Rabbit Breeders Association of NSW. When she took over, she had no one to show her the ropes but she learned and literally in sickness and in health she has hired the halls, engaged the judges, set the dates, taken the entries and compiled the show results as well as done the card work on the day. In most other clubs I know, what she does are two separate positions: Show Secretary and Show Manager. She has done all this with unfailing cheerfulness and goodwill. In fact, her pleasant friendly nature, sense of humour and tact has largely contributed to the success of our shows among exhibitors both local and interstate. In addition, a word should be said about her generosity as she kept the canteen supplied with buns, hot dogs, home-made soup, the makings of toasted sandwiches, cakes, etc. over the years. At the November show, before the AGM, the club presented her with a plaque which had a rabbit on it and the words “Sue Sowden, Show Secretary Extraordinaire”, a bottle of her favourite wine and a lovely vase of flowers.
The contents of this year’s Rabbit Droppings are as follows:
No. 54 (Feb. 2008) Rabbiting On (Christine Carter)—Royal Canberra display (Nikki White)
No. 55 (April 2008) Ear mites (Nikki White)—Hay, hay, hay (Nikki White)
No. 56 (July 2008) Rabbit talk (Vija Hone)—Housing (Nikki White)
No. 57 (August 2008) Dude (Emily White)—More on housing (Nikki White)—March show winners photos (Christine Carter)
No. 58 (Oct. 2008) Exercise pens (Nikki White)—View from the rabbit shed (Nikki White)—July show winners photos (Christine Carter)
No. 59 (Dec. 2008) Rabbiting on (Christine Carter)—View from the rabbit shed (Nikki White)—CRCI annual report—Sept. And Nov. show winners photos (Christine Carter)
The club still has two websites. The main one is at and there is a “cut down” version at which is part of the Greater Canberra Community Guide. The club has a listing in the Pet Directory both print and online. There is also a page on Communities Online which is run by the ACT Government and another in the Canberra Times communities section and I put our show dates on both these sites in their events sections as well as on the Pet Directory. The main website still seems to be the chief way we pick up members. Shows are also advertised on All Classifieds and Ozpet I trialled Gumnut but I don’t think it gets many hits as few people know about it.
Nothing was added to the library this year. We don’t appear to have been sent the British Rabbit Council Yearbook for 2008. All back issues of Rabbit Droppings are now in the library as I burned the more recent ones to CD. The library has grown too unwieldy to take to meetings and not much interest has been shown in it for a few years now. If you want something from it, either make an appointment to come round and look through it (email or phone 6161 2811 after 7.00pm, there is an answering machine) or look up the contents on the club website and contact me as above. You can either pick up what you want from my house or I can bring it to the next show. If you live outside Canberra, and want something, please send stamps to cover the cost of postage and packing
We have been able to hold them fairly regularly at a committee member’s house this year, usually on a Saturday. Unfortunately even when advertised in the newsletter, they fail to attract anyone other than the committee.