David's 80th birthday celebration

Kuntala organised an impressive event to celebrate this occasion, one which David would have happily ignored but was pleasurably impressed and pleased with occasion It was held at the Canberra Southrn Cross Yacht Club,


Some photos of our guests follow.


                 The GoH (centre) Ovi and Michael                                    Tina, Holly and Max                                     An old colleague, Ian Smith with Guddi and Ovi


                        Ian, Kuntala, Colleen and David.        Sankar Chatterjee Manju, Sainu  Kainukara and Michael.    Amarylis and Charmaine Bailey, Sue and Mike Bourke


                                     Ian, John Carras,  Katherine Gibson, Mrs Banerjee and Kaveri.        The Magician and victims.                  ;          Asim Mitra, Gill Burke and Tapas Biswas

